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3 min read
52 questions to end your meeting/week with
One of the best ways to create small, minimal invasive yet very powerful moments of human connections at work, are questions at the...

5 min read
My reflection on working with Holacracy for 2,5 years. Part #2
A reflection of the challenges. I worked in a Holacracy system for about 2.5 years at a Berlin-based tech company (Mimi Hearing...

8 min read
My reflection on working with Holacracy for 2,5 years. Part #1
Seven elements of the Holacracy system which influenced my style of working and thinking in a positive way I worked in a Holacracy system...

7 min read
Get inspired: 24 books and videos for more human leadership
Here is my personal list of 24 recommendations for books, articles, videos which have shaped and inspired my thinking and behavior...

3 min read
10 simple steps to start consciously designing your team culture
I’m often getting asked, what are concrete steps you can take to be more intentional in the way you work on culture. In this brief...
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